S-GAS Simselves: Sibling Bond

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Recently, Joel and Jessica have spent some time together, talking about some of the mysteries about the Sims Universe. Even though they both haven’t really met before S-GAS, they feel that they have a special bond.

“I think I do want to become a writer, I might even try and become a really amazing professional author!” Joel smiled, and Jessica giggled. She patted Joel’s shoulder as she looked up at the night sky.

“I believe you can do well, you’re a clever kid.” Jessica said and Joel looked at Jessica with a slight glare.

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“I’m not a kid, I’m a man!” Joel sternly said and Jessica laughed.

“If you’re a man, what does that make me? Don’t even make me start!” Jessica replied and Joel backed down quite fast.

“Ok, I’m a kid. I’m a teenager in this save, but I’m usually a Young Adult.” Joel explained. He was told by his player that it would be too tedious to create parents for him so it would be better if he just lived by himself. Jessica breathed in and slowly exhaled, before continuing their conversation.

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“So, why do you think you were created?” Jessica asked. Joel thought about this a lot, but he could only think of one word when he thought about it.

“Courage.” Joel replied and Jessica looked at him, her eyebrows raised.

“What? Courage?” Jessica further questioned. Joel giggled and looked at the stars before speaking.

“Joel doesn’t show it but, he does lack a bit of courage and self-confidence. I think that’s where I came from, he wants to prove to himself that if I can do what he wants to do, then he can do it. He’ll have the courage to do what he wants.” Joel explained and then Jessica realized, Joel doesn’t actually hate his player because he’s an exact copy, he hates him because he thinks he was created for the wrong reasons.

“You’re too cute.” Jessica said and Joel raised his hands.

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“Hey! It’s handsome, H-A-N-D-S-O-M-E!” Joel laughed and then they paused.

The player had received a notification that Jamie had created a masterpiece, so of course he went to check it out.

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What is… that?

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“You know what Jessica? You’re like a big sister that I’ve never had!” Joel said and Jessica smiled. Assuming a big sister role was natural for her, as she always wanted to look out for everyone and anyone so far during S-GAS. She helped Mark with making cookies for Sunny, Jamie with buying a lot of Art Supplies and finally, Joel with gaining courage.

“Really? I’ve never been told that, but hey, I can become your big sister!” Jessica suggested and Joel nodded his head numerous times.

“Really? You will?” Joel asked.

“Of course!” Jessica replied.

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“YES! I have an older sister!” Joel celebrated, although Jessica didn’t know why she got up, so she sat back down straight away.

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“You’re pretty amazing, Jessica.” Joel said and Jessica smiled, she had finally found peace and solace within the S-GAS world.

“I’m not amazing, I’m… Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious!” Jessica laughed, but Joel soon came back with.

“The sound of that is something quite atrocious.” Jessica of course, slapped Joel around the head.

“HEY!” She shouted.

Featuring Jes2G’s Simself, you can check out her blog in this page HERE!

8 thoughts on “S-GAS Simselves: Sibling Bond

  1. Jes2G says:

    Awww, that was too cute. This is cool. I am a big sister in real life and figuratively, and now Jessica can be one too!

    Heh, I’d start calling you “handsome,” but that would be weird in public, so…yeah, no. lol

    I understand a lot about that courage! Gaining courage is why I started blogging and ultimately led me to write all these crazy stories! Stay on this journey toward courage, and amazing things will happen. I’m sure of it, you clever kid 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  2. ARoseInBloom says:

    Jes2G is so an awesome big sister. I’d take her in as my own, too.

    As for that painting…Seeing Yourself Through Different Eyes. Very metaphorical. Ha!

    You’re super courageous. Honestly, being you online and writing stories takes so much courage. You’ve got it kid!

    Liked by 1 person

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